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Welcome to the website of F4BPP

Last update : Thursday, 23 May 2024 – What’s new ?

Radio activities with ISS

APRS / Packet Radio / SSTV

NOAA Satellites

Pictures reception


Geolocation / Data reception


QFH (QuadriFilar Helix) / Directional / Rotors

Aviation bands reception

Geolocation of aircraft in flight

Software Defined Radio

Yaesu FT-847

Interfaces / Software Improvements


Remote software

Linux Environnement

Software & Tutorials

Educational Projects at school

Software Defined Radio

Modelling and 3D Printing

F4BPP : Technology teacher and radio amateur involved in schools.

Once upon a time...

Back in the 80s, when mobile phones and smartphones didn’t yet exist, I discovered radio via the CB (Citizen’s Band).

At that time, telephone calls were unaffordable and this method of communication was very popular because it was free. Operators used the CB as a social radio network where exchanges were made only by voice.

In 1997 I obtained my amateur radio operator certificate issued by the Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Space. This was renewed in 1999 by the ART (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority).

Since 2005, this administrative authority has extended its field of expertise and is now called ARCEP (French Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications, Postal services and press distribution).

The exam that allowed me to obtain my amateur radio license consisted in three parts :

  • A technical section.
  • A legislative part.
  • A morality investigation carried out by the intelligence service, which ended with an interview with an officer who had to ensure that I was not being obstructed in obtaining my license.

I’ve always loved radio because this scientific pastime embodies the values of solidarity, mutual aid and the sharing of knowledge. But more than anything else, it symbolises exchanges between human beings free from any form of discrimination.

With this new status as a radio amateur, I was able to experiment with communications with space and in particular the International Space Station.

Like Christopher Columbus, the men who have always had a thirst for discovery, will set off from this gigantic ship to explore the universe beyond our world, in search of new planets.

Sending radio waves into space to communicate with the astronauts on the ISS who orbit the Earth 16 times a day at a speed of 28,000 km/h, is a complex task.

Getting my students to take up this challenge is a great source of satisfaction and pride, especially for those who struggle to develop self-confidence. To achieve this, I had to show a great deal of ingenuity, patience and perseverance. But I would never have achieved my goals without the help and support of radio amateurs from many countries.

So I wanted to share with you the results of my research and all the work I’ve put into meeting these challenges with my students. I also have other interests related to radio that I’ll let you discover by browsing the various sections from the menu.

My website was abandoned for a long time due to a lack of time and motivation to rewrite the code. But I’ve finally got round to it, using a new, resolutely more modern web development tool.

This long process is far from over, and there are plenty of surprises awaiting you. The first one is a musical note in the menu. In the meantime, I wish you a pleasant discovery.

David (F4BPP).

All the tutorials and software that were available on the old version of the site will gradually be updated. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to be notified when they become available.

Unfortunately, I no longer have time to reply to all your questions. You will find the answers you are looking for in the new sections of the site as they are published. Thank you for your understanding.

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